At Karmê Chöling 1996, in addition to the marvelous exposition of Guru Rinpoche's Gradual Path of the Wisdom Essence, Rinpoche taught the Posthumous Instructions of the four vidyadharas. Rinpoche chose to include a section from Complete Liberation of the Three Realms, the Six Way to Lead, in talk 11.
Here you find talk 13 from the section on Supplementary Topics and talk 14 on Pointing Out Conduct and Q/A. In addition, Rinpoche gives an explanatory reading transmission of the text.
To ensure that you listen to the entire course, which also includes key sections from Jamgon Rinpoche's Treasury of Knowledge and Complete Liberation of the three Realms; Black Yangti by Dungtsuk Repa, and sections from the famed Wisdom Guru by Jigme Lingpa, please search "Karmê Chöling 1996" in the courses search box.