Enrolment options

Visiting Karma Thegsum Choling, Dallas, 24-26 April 1992, Rinpoche offers 4 talks elucidating the four ways of pointing out the nature of mind in relation to appearances. He concludes his visit with Milarepa's song of realization, Eight Kinds of Masteries.

Visiting Boston Dharmadhatu, 19-25 May 1992, Rinpoche offers an extraordinary public talk on how to settle in mind's nature, and a total of four audiences to differing levels of practitioners. He begins the weekend seminary with an evening talk on Milarepa's Eight Kinds of Mastery, offers an outline of the main mahamudra traditions based on Lodro Thaye's Treasury of Knowledge, chapter 8.4. and proceeds with the four-fold pointing-out of the nature of mind in relation to appearances. For all ten talks offered at Boston Dharmadhatu, please use the course's search box typing "Boston Dharmadhatu".

Tibetan - English

4&4 talks, audio

Self enrolment (Student)