Enrolment options

At Mahamudra Institute, Halscheid January 1993, Rinpoche divided his students into three groups that would be called tantrikas, sadhakas and dzogrimpas. To the first group, he had his senior student Jim Scott teach the progressive stages of meditation on emptiness twice a day, morning and evening. Rinpoche would enter the evening class to sing and give some teachings on the view that was the topic of the evening.

It was during such two evenings that Rinpoche offered verses from Chantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra that would later become the Prasangika Song.

These recordings are a vivid example of Rinpoche's tremendous care for ALL participants of a course and for his extraordinary way of transmitting the view through song.

Tibetan - English

2 talks, audio

Self enrolment (Student)