Enrolment options

Visiting Kamalashila Institute, Langenfeld, 30 July to 2 August 2002, Rinpoche offers nine talks on songs of realization:

  • Gotsangpa's Eight Flashing Lances
  • Gotsangpa's Melody of the Eight Types of Non-duality
  • Gotsangpa's Eight Cases of Basic Goodness Not to be Shunned
  • 2 talks on Milarepa's Authentic Portrait of the Middle Way
  • 1 session with question and answer
  • 2 talks on how mahāsiddhas use singing to dissolve delusion and point to mind
  • 1 talk on  a song by the mahāsiddha Tilopa.

Here you find the last three talks focusing mainly on Indian mahāsiddhas and in particular the great Brahman, Saraha.

Tibetan - German

3 talks, audio.

To enroll in the course, the key is KTGR

Self enrolment (Student)