Enrolment options

At Karma Chodrub Gyamtso Ling, Brussels, 27-30 May 1986, Rinpoche offers three talks on the Buddha's explanations on the eight consciousnesses, the three types of habitual tendencies and Dzogchen's three and six types of ignorance.

Visiting Oxford, 16-18 October 1987, Rinpoche briefly goes through the section of Treasury of Knowledge outlining how the delusions of samsara manifest and how they are freed. He continues with explanations on essential key-points of dharma: the necessity for turning the wheel of Dharma thrice, the path consisting in transformation of thoughts, the inherent subtle vajra body and how the tenets present the nature of mind. As always in Oxford, plenty of time is dedicated to questions.

Tibetan - French, Tibetan - English, Tibetan only

3 and 5 talks, audio

To enroll in the course, the key is KTGR

Self enrolment (Student)