Chapter 15: Practical Instructions and Advice, 20 July 1982
How bodhisattva activity is aided by skillful means.
Instruction and the guidance, first accumulate merit then practice meditation, contemplate the meaning of the dharma for developing concentration/the samadhi in meditation and wisdom, real lhagtong is achieved when voidness is realized.
Nine ways to rest the mind:
1. to keep the mind one pointedly on the object of meditation
2. the way of resting the mind completely
3. as soon as you get distracted rest one-pointedly
4. the ever present of the mind
5. to tame the mind, samadhi is the source for all good qualities
6. seeing the disadvantages/ distractions of mind that does not wish to pacify the mind
7. the complete pacification
8. continued meditation
9. absorption in meditation.
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