Public talk 1, Tibetan - English
Review notes kindly provided by Hanna Severin:
Valid cognition of genuine reality and Valid Cognition of the relative reality
Milarepa: 'When you realize that in reality there is no object for mind to engage that is valid cognition surpreme.'
Genuine reality is the true nature of mind, the true nature of mind cannot be engaged by logical analysis, by example or reasoning, when you realize this true nature of mind that cannot be engaged conceptually that is supreme valid cognition. Genuine reality is beyond concepts...
Nagarjuna: ' Unknowable by analogy, peace, not of the fabric of fabrications, non conceptual, free of distinctions, these are the characteristics of reality precise nature.'
'It is the opposite of something that can be described, because it is not on object of conceptual mind, not arising, not ceasing, this is essential reality (Dharmatha), it is as nirvana is.'
'Direct valid cognition is that which is free of concepts connected by names, types and so on'
'Direct valid cognition is free of concepts, this is establish by direct valid cognition itself'
Audio file (MP3)