18 October 1990, The Three Natures
That which serves as the basic principle / And the nature of its defining characteristics; / The characteristics defining freedom from error / The nature of the effects as well as their causes; / The precise nature comprising the coarse and subtle, / The nature of: the common usage of terms / And the object known by that which is perfectly pure; / The concise topics’ and classifications’ nature, / As well as that of the ten specific skills / Which provide a way to remedy views of self.
The three essential aspects of existence / Include one level which never has existed, / One which exists but not inherently, / And one which constitutes the very nature / Of what exists and what does not exist; / And thus the essentials are held to consist of three.
If each of these is understood correctly, / Views entailing exaggeration, supposing / Phenomena and persons, perceived and perceiver / To exist; or denial claiming them not to exist / Will not occur, and this is the trait of their nature.
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